Superbadge : Process Automation Specialist

Hello Trailblazers,

Below is the solution for Process Automation Specialist Superbadge. Some resources are also linked. Kindly refer only if you get stuck somewhere. Do not copy and paste it as it will defeat the whole purpose of superbadge and its value as well. 

All the Best. 👍🏻

Superbadge: Process Automation Specialist

Validation Rule for lead


NOT( CONTAINS("US,USA,United States",Country))  ||  ISBLANK(Country)

Next, create 2 queues for a lead object with the name Rainbow Sales and Assembly System Sales and in lead assignment rule check with the lead source to web and partner + purchased list respectively.


Create validation rules and account formula fields as specified in the business requirements. Use the following field names.



LEN(BillingState) > 2,






NOT(OR(BillingCountry ="US",BillingCountry ="USA",BillingCountry ="United States", ISBLANK(BillingCountry))),

NOT(OR(ShippingCountry ="US",ShippingCountry ="USA",ShippingCountry ="United States", ISBLANK(ShippingCountry)))



Validation for a name change

ISCHANGED( Name ) &&  ISPICKVAL( Type , 'Customer - Direct') || 

ISCHANGED( Name ) &&  ISPICKVAL( Type , 'Customer - Channel')


Custom fields

Number of deals, Number_of_deals__c

Roll-up Summary on opportunity using count

Number of won deals, Number_of_won_deals__c

Roll-up Summary on opportunity using count with criteria stage=closed won

Last won deal date, Last_won_deal_date__c

Roll-up Summary on opportunity using max aggregated field closed date with criteria stage=closed won

Deal win percent, Deal_win_percent__c

Formula field with return type percentage = (Number_of_won_deals__c/Number_of_deals__c)

Amount of won deals, Amount_of_Won_Deals__c

Roll-up Summary on opportunity using sum aggregated field Amount with criteria stage=closed won

Call for Service, Call_for_Service__c

IF( (TODAY()- Last_won_deal_date__c)> 730, 'YES',' NO')

Formula field with return type text


Create Robot Setup Object

Create a custom Robot Setup object with a Master-Detail relationship to the opportunity. Include fields as specified in the business requirements. Auto-number the record name, starting with 0. Use this name format: ROBOT SETUP-{0000}.

Use the following field names.

For this metric or field, Use this Field Name

Date, Date__c

Notes, Notes__c

Day of the Week, Day_of_the_Week__c 

CASE( WEEKDAY(Date__c) , 2, 'Monday', 3, 'Tuesday' ,4,'Wednesday',5,'Thursday',6,'Friday',7,'Saturday','Sunday')


Create Sales Process and Validate Opportunities

  • Add picklist value Awaiting Approval in stage field.
  • Create Sales Process in Opportunity; the name should be RB Robotics Sales Process.

Include the stage picklist values that are asked to remove those that are not needed.

  • Create a record type; the name should be RB Robotics Process RT and add RB Robotics Sales Process to it.
  • Create a Checkbox field and Name it Approved.  
  • Make sure the checkbox is read-only for all users except System Administration and Custom: Sales Profile.
  • Write a validation rule as : ( Amount > 100000 ) &&  Approved__c == false


Automate Opportunities


Create Flow for Opportunities


Automate Setups

Just add 1 or 2 to the date in the formula field if the day of the week is Sunday or Saturday respectively.


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